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What is the difference between off-grid inverter and grid-tied inverter?

2024-04-07 15:18:13

The purpose of a solar inverter is to convert the DC power emitted by the solar panel into AC power. All the electricity emitted by the solar panel is processed by the inverter before it can be output to household appliances. The use of solar inverters can be divided into : Off-grid and on grid, what’s the difference between off-grid and on-grid?

Off-grid inverters typically employ a complete system approach of modular components, consisting of a number of regulatory building blocks: solar inverter, controller, generation start-up module and system control board. An off-grid inverter is a system that is separated from the public power grid. The DC power generated by the solar panels is first stored in the battery, and then the battery is transported to the off-grid inverter for inversion. The AC power generated can be directly supplied to the load. After use, it can also be returned to the battery for storage. It is more suitable for areas without power network coverage, such as desert areas, plateau areas, and forest areas, and can ensure the need for electric energy at any time.

On-grid inverters can usually be divided into solar on-grid inverters, wind on-grid inverters, electrical equipment power generation on-grid inverters and other power generation equipment on-grid inverters. The biggest advantages of on-grid inverters are It is a system with high power and low cost. On-grid inverters are usually suitable for large-scale power station systems. Many parallel photovoltaic strings are connected to the DC input end of the same centralized inverter. Usually, the three-phase igbt module power module with high power is used. The smaller ones use field-effect transistors, while using DSP switching controllers to improve the quality of the power produced, making it more closely resemble a sinusoidal current. The biggest difference of the on-grid inverter is that it does not use any battery storage. The DC power formed from the solar panels can be directly switched to AC power through the inverter and sent directly to the public power system. However, there are corresponding thresholds, that is it needs to meet the relevant regulations and policies of the local power grid, otherwise it will not be able to provide grid connection.